The two previous attempts to pass a capital levy in 2023 and 2024 had failed to pass, and out of desperation the district had taken out a loan to complete urgent HVAC work on their elementary. On the advice on their financial advisor, the district decided to try again for a capital levy, stripping the request down to repayment of the loan and the most critical safety improvements. Our team helped Wahluke strategize how to engage their community and communicate the need in a very short time period (December–January). Wahluke saw an increase in voter turnout and yes votes as a result––crossing the finish line to approval by seven votes!
Informational Mailer
Client Feedback
Thank you Monique, Melissa & Yolanda for all your help over the last month!!! I can’t believe how much our team has learned in such a short period of time — THANK YOU AGAIN! I truly appreciate your OUTSTANDING support & customer service. This is pretty BIG for our community!
Andy Harlow
Wahluke School District