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Wahluke Capital Levy Materials

Wahluke Capital Levy Materials

Wahluke is a small school district east of Yakima that serves a high population of migrant families, but much of the voting population is retirees without children in school. The district had not had a bond or capital levy to help maintain their school buildings in seven years when they approached our team for help with a February 2025 capital levy measure.

Wahluke Capital Levy Materials

Wahluke is a small school district east of Yakima that serves a high population of migrant families, but much of the voting population is retirees without children in school. The district had not had a bond or capital levy to help maintain their school buildings in seven years when they approached our team for help with a February 2025 capital levy measure.

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Wahluke Capital Levy Materials

Wahluke Capital Levy Materials

Wahluke is a small school district east of Yakima that serves a high population of migrant families, but much of the voting population is retirees without children in school. The district had not had a bond or capital levy to help maintain their school buildings in seven years when they approached our team for help with a February 2025 capital levy measure.

Work Samples

Sequim Bond & Levy Materials

Sequim Bond & Levy Materials

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Union Gap Bond Materials

Union Gap Bond Materials

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Port Angeles Bond & Levy Materials

Port Angeles Bond & Levy Materials

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Longview Public Schools 2024 Levy Handout and Social Media Videos

Longview Public Schools 2024 Levy Handout and Social Media Videos

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Washougal School District April 2023 Levy Outreach

Washougal School District April 2023 Levy Outreach

"What's at Stake?" Print Materials The levy handouts and mailer for the April 2023 election had much bolder colors and text than the February materials with very clear information about what was at stake for staff and students, should the levies fail to pass. The...